Stoughton Conservation Club 3D Archery League
A 3D Archery League will run from April 2, 2024 to May 25, 2024, with eight scoring weeks.
League set-up meeting March 27, 2024 at 7:00 at the Indoor Archery Range.
- 16 targets per week on the woods course.
- Shoot days will be Tuesday – Saturday most weeks.
- Two person teams.
- Standard 12,10,8,5,0 scoring, center 12’s.
- Choose max yardage of 20, 30 or 40 yards.
- All archers must be club members.
- Cost:
- $50.00 per adult.
- $25.00 per high school aged children and younger.
The clubhouse by the entrance to the woods course will be open on Wednesday evenings if archers wish to come out and socialize.
League Chairperson: Dave Rynes 608-770-3349
Please email your registration to Dave at the above email. Include:
- Name
- Partner (if you don’t have a partner we’ll find one for you)
- Email Address
- Max Yardage
- SCC Membership Number (on your membership card).
League Dates:
- Week 1: Set-up March 30/April 1, Scoring April 2-6 Woods Course
- Week 2: Set-up April 7-8, Scoring April 9-13 Woods Course
- Week 3: Set-up April 14-15, Scoring April 16-20 Woods Course
- Week 4: Set-up April 21-22, Scoring April 23-27 Woods Course
- Week 5: Set-up April 28-29, Scoring April 30-May 3 Woods Course
- Week 6: Set-up May 5-6, Scoring May 7-9 Woods Course
- Week 7: Set-up May 12-13, Scoring May 14-18 Woods Course
- Week 8: Set-up May 19-20, Scoring May 21-25 Woods Course
- End of season party: May 29