August 24-25 Events

August 24-25 Events

There are two events this weekend which will disrupt normal activities at SCC.

Hunter Safety Internet Field Day

The Hunter Safety Internet Field Day will be on Saturday, August 24. The Main Clubhouse, Indoor Archery Range, Rifle Range, and Trap and Skeet fields will be in use for the class.


3D Archery Tournament

There will be a 3D Archery Tournament held on August 24 and 25. The Woods Course, Outdoor Archery and Crossbow Ranges, and the Pistol Building will all be in use.

  • 50-Target 3D Archery Shoot
  • August 24th and 25th
  • Registration: 7:00 to 3:00 Saturday and Sunday
  • Food and Refreshments available
For Additional Information Contact: STOUGHTON CONSERVATION CLUB
Tim Despins:, text 608-219-4956
Club House 608-873 -8933
Shooting Fees
  • $12 – Adults
  • $5 – for 15-17 year olds
  • 14 and under free

This is a great opportunity to tune up your skills before bow hunting season with a variety of fun 3D targets and scenarios.

We hope to see you there!