Pistol Range OPEN


Update 7/15: The pistol range is now open!
Update 7/8: All outdoor archery ranges are now open! Pistol building is open, but the pistol range remains closed until some more repairs can be completed.

Original Post:

Attention SCC Members:

The pistol range building is closed until further notice!

Several trees fell on the building during the storms on Saturday night. There are tree branches coming through the roof in the pistol range and the power lines to the building are on the ground. Please avoid the area!
Broadhead Archery League is cancelled this week due to the large number of trees that are down on the woods course.
The outdoor archery and crossbow ranges are closed.
There will be a cleanup work party for the woods course soon, watch for more details!

We are asking that all members avoid the area. Please do not start cleaning up until our insurance company can assess the damage, and we can make sure the area is safe.

We will definitely be asking for volunteer help with the cleanup, but please be patient!