2024 Handbook Final Draft

Update: The final version can be found at: https://stoughtoncc.com/2024/06/updated-club-rules-procedures-handbook/


As many of you know, the SCC Rules and Procedures Handbook has been undergoing a revision. We have gone through two comment periods, and the Board of Directors has reviewed, discussed, and decided on the requests for rule changes. The Final Draft is now available for review, along with the disposition of the major requests we’ve received:

SCC Rules Procedures Handbook – Final Draft – 2024-05-13

SCC Rules Procedures Handbook – Final Draft – Disposition of Handbook Revision Requests

Moving forward, this Handbook draft will be ratified at the Board of Directors meeting on May 27, 2024, pending final review. These are NOT the Club rules yet.

Feedback, comments, and other concerns can be addressed to bob@plankers.com, and will be brought before the Board of Directors as appropriate.