Yahara River Archers – S3DA

  • Are you a student who’s interested in improving your archery skills?
  • Do you want to challenge yourself to become a better archer?
  • Do you want to compete locally?

If so, we’ve got the perfect place for you here at the Stoughton Conservation Club! Our S3DA team, The Yahara River Archers, is a team who shoots through the S3DA Organization. (Scholastic 3D Archery). Here’s some of our key aspects:

  • Practice every other Monday, 1st + 3rd of each month, at the SCC
  • Three events
    • Indoor NFAA style
    • Outdoor 3D target ASA style
    • Outdoor field target (World archery style)
  • Flexible competitions locally and distant (including state and national events)
  • Amazing coaches + friends
  • Scholarships + new opportunities

S3DA is an amazing start to making more friends, exploring new people and places, but most importantly, growing and having fun! Come check us out! If you have any questions/ comments feel free to reach out to our coaches:

  • Dave Rynes : 608-770-3349 or blackdog@gmail.com
  • Mike Carlson: 608-886-3626 or mrmikecarlson@hotmail.com
  • Tan Nguyen: 504-400-8709 or tan.nguyen.h@gmail.com