Youth Archery League
The Stoughton Conservation Club has hosted this incredibly popular series for several winters. It runs Saturday afternoons from typically around the first or second Saturday in January and ends in March.
All levels of ability are welcome — from the child with no previous experience to the experienced shooter. The youth league is open to anyone under 18 years old.
Members who have a youth archery bow they would be willing to donate to the club would be greatly appreciated.
This is a great way to socialize and meet fellow archery enthusiasts with some friendly competition thrown in…
For the Youth Archery League 2025:
- 10 Weeks of fun starting January 4th and ending March 15th.
- No league on the weekend of the Tri-Star Tournament (January 25)
- There is no pre-registration required, however, it is preferred. To pre-register, please send a message to the email below. Registration can also occur at the first session.
- No age limit; all shooters will act in a safe manner and follow all rules.
- Held Saturday’s from 11:30AM – 2:30 PM.
- The cost is $20.00 per participant which includes:
- All targets
- T-shirt
- Trophies will be awarded at the Year End Party
- Hot dogs, chips and soda will be provided at the Year End Party
Participants are required to have their own equipment for the league.
If interested, please show up Saturday, January 4 at 11:30 AM at the Stoughton Conservation Club’s main clubhouse/indoor archery range at 918 Collins Road. The league usually has around 40 participants from the age of 6 to 18 with a mix of 10 and 20 yard shooters.
Shooters can make up league scores outside of the normal league time on Saturdays, if they have to miss for other commitments.
If you have questions, contact us at
The Youth Archery Program would like to Thank these Sponsors:
- Carbon Impact Arrows
- Children’s Dental Center of Madison, S.C.
- Conant Automotive Repair
- Culver’s
- Fosdal Home Bakery
- HHA Sports
- Jimmy John’s
- Little Jon’s Archery World
- Pizza Pit
- Quam’s Motor Sports
- Moyer’s Inc.
- Hamacher Lawn Care
- Dane Dental
- Spaulding Group
- CMA Accounting
- LSM Chiropractic