WI Basic Hunter Education Class
SCC hosts a Spring & Fall Hunter Education Course.
Stoughton Conservation Club holds a spring and fall Hunter Education course. Only the Hunter Internet Field Day course will be offered. Please check calendar for dates and times. The spring class is usually in April and the fall class is usually in August. Please see the WI DNR website for more information.
There are many benefits for taking the WI basic hunter education class. Other than a mentored hunter, everyone must complete a hunter education course to purchase any hunting license in Wisconsin if you were born after Jan. 1 1973. Club members are required to have hunter education/firearm safety training to participate in any firearm league. The certificate will serve as your small game license & you will receive other privileges from the DNR for the calendar year in which you take the class. You will also need it to apply for an out of state hunting license. The most important reason; it will help keep you and the rest of us SAFE as we share the tradition, woods & fields together. The Wisconsin DNR hunter education course instills in students the knowledge and skill to be a responsible and safe hunter. The course follows the WI DNR curriculum. Students learn how hunting accidents are caused and how they can be prevented. Hunter responsibility and safety are stressed throughout the class. All instructors are volunteers and members of the SCC. We reserve the right to expel students that do not follow our code of conduct; especially regarding horseplay and following verbal instructions. Anyone, of any age, can take the class. Students will receive a safety education certificate upon successful completion of the course. Students with special needs must contact the instructor at least two weeks in advance of the class date to request special accommodations or needs. Requirements to complete the class: Complete attendance for the entire class, a proficient score on a written (true/false & multiple choice) exam and demonstrate competent knowledge & skill in safe firearm handling.
Cost of Course: $10 per student.
Registration: See the SCC Website calendar for specific class dates. Registration begins 6 weeks before the first class date on a first come first served basis. Register online at the WDNR website: (Click Here)
If you have any questions, please contact Jenn Kotajarvi.
The Clubhouse, indoor archery range, trap/skeet range & outdoor rifle ranges are closed during classes. Note: If you have old or unwanted bows or firearms, you can donated them to the SCC and deduct their fair-market value from your taxes as a charitable donation (SCC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit). Please request a receipt when you make the donation.