4H .22 Rifle Practice and Instruction
Pistol Range4H rifle practice and instruction. Preparation for Dane County Fair competition.
4H rifle practice and instruction. Preparation for Dane County Fair competition.
Indoor Archery League runs every Tuesday & Wednesdays - Starts January 2nd Ends March 21st
Black Sheep Pistol League
.22 Pistol League
Private Party- Pistol Building and range closed 11am-7pm
Every Sunday Except thru January and February
Every Monday All Year
Every Sunday Except thru January and February
Held every 2nd Monday of each Month at 6:30pm
Held every 2nd Monday of each Month at 7:00pm
Indoor Archery League runs every Tuesday & Wednesdays - Starts January 2nd Ends March 21st
4H rifle practice and instruction. Preparation for Dane County Fair competition.